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1 - SHUT OFF VALVE Manual shut off used to relieve down stream pressure for servicing or maintenance. Front or back lockout handle ensures security while the 3 port, 2 position (3/2) construction vents downstream pressure so components can be safely removed. 2 - FILTER Two types available - particulate filter with 5 micron filtration (shown) or coalescing filter with 0.3 micron filtration. A particulate filter is used as a primary filter to remove water, dust, and debris from an air line. A coalescing filter is used as a secondary filter to remove oil and sub-micron particles for air purity in accordance with ISO 8573-1:2010. 3 - PRODUCT CONNECTION Each component is engineered to connect directly together with the use of BC body clamps, ensuring optimum stability and strength. Alternatively, units can be mounted individually and connected with pipe nipples. 4 - DIVERTER BLOCK Used to branch off the primary manifold. Commonly used where ad ditional regulators are required or to divide lubricated and un-lubri cated air lines.
5 - LUBRICATOR Designed to provide consistent, reliable lubrication to the system where it is required. Allows fill while under pressure from fill port or bowl by removing the fill plug. Non-detergent type oil without ag gressive additives recommended (VG32 - ISO 3448). 6 - HIGH FLOW Designed for high flows with minimal pressure drop. 7 - BOWLS Polycarbonate bowl or metal bowl with polyamide sight glass avail able. To indicate metal bowl with sight glass, use Suffix M in the part number. 8 - REGULATOR Reduces air supply pressure to a required working pressure. Comes complete with low profile gauge installed. To install your own pres sure gauge, use a gauge port. 9 - DRAINS Three types available - semi-automatic/manual drain, manual stain less steel drain, or brass automatic drain. Semi-automatic/manual drains come standard. 10 - GAUGE PORT Connect gauges with specific pressure ranges using optional gauge ports.
Gauges & Accessories
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